2022 Financial Report, Stichting Auto Recycling Holding

Stichting Auto Recycling Holding (100% shareholder ARN Auto Recycling BV)

At ARN, it’s all about the responsible and high-value recycling of cars. As an implementing organisation, we facilitate the complete car-recycling chain: from the collection of end-of-life vehicles up to and including the gainful reuse of the parts and raw materials recovered from them.

Table of Contents

Stichting Auto Recycling Holding (100% shareholder ARN Auto Recycling BV)
2022 Sustainability Report 2022 2021
Consolidated balance sheet as of 31 December
(after profit appropriation in €)
Intangible fixed assets 250.313301.363
Tangible fixed assets 84.813110.182
Financial fixed assets 54.870.81862.473.778
Total fixed assets 55.205.94462.885.323
Liquid assets 5.779.1666.533.121
Total floating assets 10.457.29112.107.110
Total assets 65.663.235 74.992.433
Equity capital14.52114.521
Total equity capital 14.52114.521
Recycling-fee fund 58.645.25565.468.983
Long-term debts 9.6669.666
Short-term debts 3.579.9432.849.262
Total debts 65.648.71474.977.912
Total liabilities 65.663.23574.992.432
Consolidated profit and loss account
(in €)
Consolidated profit and loss account (in €) 13.287.06715.037.326
Income from investments-7.953.2384.402.561
Other incomes 1.059.524634.514
Total incomes 6.393.353 20.074.401
Turnover costs 9.368.95513.999.145
Costs of outsourced work and other external costs1.591.0781.325.538
Wages and salaries 1.468.6241.441.902
Social security and pension costs386.232381.003
Depreciation on fixed assets 200.197135.517
Interest payable and similar costs172.688170.711
Total operating costs 13.187.774 17.453.816
Operating result -6.794.421 2.620.585
Taxation on the result-29.307-72.248
Result after taxation -6.823.728 2.548.337


Our mission might seem straightforward, but in practice it is challenging for both ARN and the relevant chain partners: i.e. realising 95 per cent recycling performance as effectively and efficiently as possible and thereby underscoring the continuity of car recycling.

Optimum performance in the area of sustainability depends on three factors: economy (costs), ecology (CO2-footprint) and the recycling percentage. At ARN, we continuously aim for the best-possible balance between these three factors.

Transferring ownership of the drainage installations

On 4 June 2020, the management board decided to transfer the ownership of ARN’s drainage installations to the car-dismantling companies. Given the magnitude of its implementation, this project constitutes a major challenge for ARN. It was started up at the beginning of March 2022. For each installation the project involves the endorsement of a purchase agreement, the inspection and replacement of the relevant tanks, final maintenance of the installation and its accessories, a soil inspection, project management, then, ultimately, the transfer of all 181 installations. As of 31 December 2022, the ownership of 62 installations had been transferred to car-dismantling companies. Activities relevant to the yet-to-be-transferred 119 installations was partly carried out in 2022. The project will be completed later in 2023.


The consolidated balance sheet and profit and loss account include the figures of Stichting Auto Recycling Holding, Stichting Auto Recycling and ARN Auto Recycling Nederland B.V.

On 22 December, 2021 there was a management change at Stichting Autobatterij Recycling, whereby Stichting Auto Recycling Holding stepped down and Nederlandse Vereniging “De Rijwiel- en Automobiel-Industrie” (the Netherlands association “two-wheeler and automobile industry”) acceded. The 2022 results of Stichting Autobatterij Recycling and the associated explanation are therefore presented separately in this Sustainability Report. Comparable figures for 2021 in the consolidated balance sheet and profit and loss account have been adjusted accordingly. This, to facilitate a proper comparison with 2022.

De jaarrekening van ARN Auto Recycling Nederland B.V. is opgesteld op basis van BW 2 Titel 9. The annual statements of the Stichtingen (foundations) were based on their own principles. The main differences with Part 9 Book 2 are the establishment of the recycling fee fund and the non-consolidation of its group companies in the annual statement of Stichting Auto Recycling.

Toelichting op het financieel verslag 2022

  1. Intangible fixed assets
    The intangible fixed assets comprised purchased software, depreciated to a value of zero over five years on a linear basis.
  2. Tangible fixed assets
    Tangible fixed assets included installations and other fixed company assets.
    In 2022, ARN Auto Recycling Nederland B.V. transferred the ownership of 62 drainage installations to car-dismantling companies. Ownership of the remaining 119 installations will be transferred during the course of 2023.
  3. Financial fixed assets
    Stichting Auto Recycling placed the management of its investment portfolio with two asset managers. The relevant monies were invested in both bond and equity funds. The asset managers were instructed to adopt a defensive/neutral and sustainable investment strategy, based on the investment statute of the Stichting (foundation). In this way the risks associated with investments were kept to a minimum and sustainable investment was guaranteed. The divestment of the ARN Recycling B.V. subsidiary in 2020 resulted in a long-term receivable for the period 2024-2025.
  4. Receivables
    This entry comprised mainly of debtors, a short-term receivable resulting from the sale of subsidiary ARN Recycling B.V. in 2020, as well as other receivables.
  5. Liquid assets
    The funds of Stichting Auto Recycling Holding, Stichting Auto Recycling and ARN Auto Recycling Nederland B.V were placed in the care of creditworthy banking institutions.
  6. Equity capital
    The foundation capital was deposited by the managements of RAI Vereniging, BOVAG, FOCWA and STIBA, with each organisation depositing a proportional share of the capital.
  7. Recycling-fee fund
    The annual foundation result of the Stichting Auto Recycling, as it pertains to the management of the ELV Directive (Bba), is incorporated into the recycling-fee fund. The result, in relation to the ELV Directive, can be seen in the statement of incomes and expenditures and is added to or deducted from the recycling-fee fund. The fund is meant for expected and unexpected future expenditures.
  8. Provisions
    Based on the expected associated costs, a provision was set aside in 2020 for the intended transfer of ownership of the drainage installations to the car-dismantling companies. Added to this in 2021 were R&D compensation costs to be paid out to car-dismantling companies. In 2022, there was a withdrawal for project-related costs. Activities for the yet-to-be-transferred installations were partly carried out in 2022 and the costs thereof were charged to the provision.
  9. Long-term debts
    The affiliated car-dismantling companies paid a deposit for the use of logo signs. As of 31 December 2022, there were 213 affiliated car-dismantling companies (also 2013 in 2021).
  10. Short-term debts
    Short-term liabilities comprised mainly creditors, the entry for materials obligation car-dismantling companies and the contractually agreed contribution to the operating costs of HKS Tiel B.V., minus the third instalment of the divestment proceeds from the PST factory.
    The entry for the materials obligation for car-dismantling companies represents the outstanding administrative compensation still to be paid to car-dismantling companies and the expected costs of collection and processing. This obligation is linked to the outstanding materials balances per company. Outstanding materials balances are the result of materials that are still in the packaging or end-of-life vehicles that are due to be dismantled, or already removed but not yet claimed.
  11. Income from recycling fees
    During the course of 2022, a recycling fee was levied on a total of 355,722 new registered vehicles (374,709 in 2021) and 287,356 imported vehicles (231,827 in 2021).
  12. Income from investments
    Stichting Auto Recycling instructed its asset managers to adopt a defensive/neutral strategy by investing mainly in bonds and shares. The reported income was earned from stock-price results, dividends and interest on bonds.
  13. Other incomes
    Other incomes comprised passed-on costs, such as those agreed in the Service Level Agreement with Stichting Autobatterij Recycling, Stichting Scooter Recycling Nederland and Stichting Instituut voor Duurzame Mobiliteit.
  14. Turnover costs
    In 2022, the 213 affiliated car-dismantling companies (also 213 in 2021) dismantled 143,036 end-of-life vehicles (178,136 in 2021). The appropriate administrative payments were made to these car-dismantling companies. Moreover, turnover costs also comprised the costs of the collection and processing of the ARN materials, the servicing and maintenance of the drainage installations, and the contractually agreed contribution to the operating costs of the PST factory.
  15. Costs of outsourced work and other external costs
    These include the costs of publicity, accommodation, offices, transport and other operating costs.
  16. Wages and salaries
    ARN’s average workforce in 2022 comprised 18.1 FTEs (18.6 in 2021). Moreover, the management board of Stichting Auto Recycling Holding had four directors, while ARN Auto Recycling Nederland B.V. had a Supervisory Board populated by three members.
  17. Social security contribution and pension costs
    In addition to the statutory social-security contributions, this entry comprised pension costs. From the moment they start work, employees aged 21 and older participate in a collective pension scheme.
  18. Depreciation of fixed assets
    These depreciations were mainly software-related.
  19. Interest payable and similar costs
    These mainly comprised investment-management costs.
  20. Taxation on the result
    For tax-related reasons, ARN Auto Recycling Nederland B.V. constituted a single fiscal entity.
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